already some month ago (i apologize for posting so late) i got admittance from Wolfgang to post about his experiences with Astro-imaging and the AstroThingy EQ. This is one of the images he took. This is the link to his homepage:
That's all taken with your EQ platform + Explore Scientific 10" dobsonian + ASI294MC (non-cooled) + Antares 2" 0.5x focal reducer (but only giving me 0.75x focal reduction at the distance it was from the sensor) / except for the planets where I used a Celestron Luminos 2.5x Barlow instead.
Live stacks were captured with ASILive and planet capture were done in ASICap (and stacked in ASIVideoStack). I used Topaz DeNoise AI to clean up the DSO pictures a bit.
Guess, i will inform him about the new addon we are currently developing. That's to be able raising the south-end by so much, that even lower latitutes get perfect alignment and tracking.